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  • Writer's pictureClaireCreates

When You Try, You Fly!

What's up people? Claire here with my very first post! (This was long overdue..)

Anyway, today, I wanna chat about trying new things. Now, I'm not really talking about things like trying bungy-jumping or eating grilled scorpions. No. I'm talking about trying new things within your craft. Say, you sew blankets for a hobby. Maybe try sewing a shirt or a dress. That kind of thing. See, for me, I have the most experience with drawing human-like characters. Now, (if you've looked at my drawings recently) I'm creating more animal-like characters. This is a really good thing for me to do because it expands what I can draw. It creates new skills, new ideas! Trying new things within your craft helps you grow, so I encourage you to do so. Make a coffee flavored cupcake if you love to bake, draw a Star Trek character if you love to draw or paint, play a new instrument if you love music... I don't care how old you are or how much experience you have. If you love doing it, then experiment! And if it doesn't work out, you didn't fail, you tried! And that's awesome.

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